Hello world!

January 17, 2007

After years of futile resistance, I am officially joining the blogging world.  I hope to use this blog to change my own life and perhaps help a few friends along the way.  Let me tell you a little about myself.  I am mom  to the most amazing son and wife also a wife to an amazing man who not only does the dishest but laundry to! 

I have enjoyed a fun career advocating for sound public policy at both state and federal levels that I stepped out of and intend to step away from by going part-time.  While I get a thrill out of that old life, I secretly long to influence the masses through writing and sharing.  In my experience, change is easier when coming from the people.

This blog is about changing lives… our lives… and maybe yours.  We are changing from a dual-income, employed outside of the home family of three to a single steady income with a freelance income of three.   Our goals are to live simply, live within our means and to spread simple living to the world.  There is bountiful peace that comes with no debt accumulation, economic security and spending time with family, friends and pursuing your interests outside of work.

In other words, we want to work to live not live to work.  Our precious son taught us the value of time, the commodity of kinship and the price of our family.  I hope you enjoy this journey with me as we reduce our income, I join the fun and exciting world of freelance writing and we carve out more time for our health, our enjoyment and our sanity.